The formatted prompts view allows you to preview the full text that is sent to the LLM for completion.

There are two ways formatted prompts can be displayed:

  1. Read-only: when you configure your prompt with a template and variables
  2. Read-write: when you configure your prompt directly with the formatted prompt


When you configure your prompt with a template and variables, the “formatted prompts” view enables you to preview the rendered template. It makes it easy to see the exact text sent to the LLM.

Like in the “Template” view, you can click on the variables to edit them.

This view doesn’t let you edit the formatted prompt, as it is only the combination of the template and variables.

When you need to edit the prompt template, go back to the “Template” view.


When you configure your prompt with only a formatted string, the “Template” view is hidden, only the “Formatted prompt” view is available.

Skipping the definition of a template and its variables makes it easier to integrate, although the debugging interface will offer less features (no variable management or template view).

Formatted Prompt